
Do you or members of your community need support?

The impacts of natural disasters can affect our mental health and sense of wellbeing and many don’t know where to get help or even where to get started in the recovery process.

Some common reactions experienced following major traumatic event include:

These reactions can be quite strong and are often at their worst during the first week. In most cases, they fade over the following weeks although they may be experienced for a much longer period.

Mental Health Support

We are here to help.  New and existing clients can call us on 0755 992 201 or email us anytime at Tweed@livingwellpsychology.com.au to arrange an appointment via phone, video or in person. We can also help those impacted by floods access federal funding with Connect to Wellbeing to cover the cost of your appointments at Living Well Psychology & Support.

For Urgent Help these free and confidential phone and online services operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and are available to support, listen and help you out when you need.

Other Supports

Health Support

If you are experiencing health issues but cannot access your GP, the free GP Telehealth Service on 1800 931 158 is available 24hrs, 7 days a week and can provide medical certificates, prescriptions and can provide a summary to the patient’s regular GP.

Disaster Assistance and Support

Evacuation centres are co-ordinated through the Department of Communities and Justice. Disaster relief assistance and support information can be found here.

Financial Support

A disaster recovery allowance and lump sum payment is available to help people seriously affected by the NSW floods.  More information can be found at Services Australia.

Business Support

Disaster recovery assistance is available to businesses in eligible NSW local government areas that have been impacted by storms and floods. Available grants and assistance can be found at Services NSW.

If you are not sure what type of assistance you can access, complete the 5 simple questions in the Disaster Assistance Finder Survey to identify types of supports you can apply for.

Legal Support

Tenants Union of NSW

If you live in rented accommodation that has been impacted by floods this factsheet provides helpful information about your rights

Disaster Response Legal Service NSW

If you’ve been affected by natural disasters, Legal Aid NSW can help you with everyday legal problems including insurance claims and disputes, financial hardship, tenancy and Centrelink. Call 1800801 529 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday or visit the NSW Legal AID website for more information

Parenting Orders During a Natural Disaster

Natural disasters can sometimes impact a family’s ability to follow parenting orders. If you have concerns about parenting orders and need advice regarding any possible changes contact NSW Legal Aid on 1300 888 529

Animal Support

The NSW Government is providing assistance to primary producers for animal assessment, emergency veterinary assistance and emergency fodder where access allows through the DPI State Coordination Centre and the Agricultural and Animal Services Functional Area.

 An emergency hotline is available for people to request help for livestock and other animals 1800 814 647.